Sunday, June 2, 2013

Wow! This week was horrible! Max was so sick after his chemo treatment, and then we all got the stomach flu! Including poor little Max! Nate had to come home from work one day to take care of all us sickos. I was really hoping Nate wouldn't get it, and he seemed fine till this afternoon. I couldn't have gotten through this last week without all his help though. He even cleaned and vacuumed this morning for me because I felt too rotten to do it. I'm so lucky to have such an amazing hubby. Speaking of which, Saturday was our 6th anniversary. Man, time flies! We celebrated by going out to dinner last night by ourselves thanks to my awesome mom! I was so stressed out the whole time about Max being okay, but last night was actually one of his better nights. What a blessing! Sam has been such a great big brother and helper this week as well. I know it's hard for him to understand that Max just doesn't feel well enough to play, but he's been so patient and soft with him. I feel so guilty right now for giving Max all the attention, but Sam hasn't complained at all. I'm lucky to have such a sweet little 4 year old.
Today went a lot better. Max ate breakfast and lunch and kept his food down. That is huge for us right now. I'm hoping to be able to talk to a dietician tomorrow at Max's chemo appointment to get some ideas of how to get food in him and keep it down. Poor kid has lost so much weight. It makes me sick to the stomach every time I pick him up and feel how much lighter he is, or rub his back and feel every bump protruding from his spine. I won't even go into how sad it makes me to see him naked. I just hope this doesn't alter his growth too much.
I have to say, I'm so amazed by all the people that have donated to Max's donation account and his fundraiser yard sale/bake sale that's coming up this Saturday. Complete strangers have been donating and offering their help. My garage is completely full with yard sale stuff and we still have more people bringing things this week. Don't worry, we will find a place for it until Saturday! I'm so humbled by how good people are. Thank you again to everyone who has helped in any way whether it was prayers, thoughts, or any kind of donation. We are so grateful to you all.
This is what our week looked like. The 3 of us snuggled on the couch with a puke bucket, playing the wii. At least here we were feeling a little better and could smile. lol

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