Today went much better. Max woke up happy and wanting to eat and go for a walk. He was definitely sick of his hospital bed. He was able to have his epidural removed and get a shower, which he needed because the sponge baths just weren't doing a good enough job. He got another visit from big brother Sam and Grandma and he had an absolute blast playing in the play room with Sam. He was able to be completely disconnected from machines, so playing was a lot less frustrating for him. Grandma Diann brought some awesome lemon cookies with icing and Max downed 3 of those today, which is probably the most food he's eaten since being here. He got a visit from a great big black dog named Molly and he was loving petting her and giving her treats. Finally, around 3pm today he zonked out and took a four and a half hour nap. During his nap, we got a visit from his oncologist, Dr. Barnette. He told us that the pathology results came back that the tumor was definitely a Wilms tumor and not one of the more rare cancers. Now we are just waiting to find out which of the 3 degrees of cancer it is to determine what chemo therapy they will be doing for him. This was good news, although part of me was still in denial and hoping it would by some miracle come back as benign. The doctor also told us that we'd be going home in the morning unless they get the rest of the pathology results back, and then they would do a chemo treatment before we leave. If they don't get the results back by tomorrow morning, then we will come back on Thursday for his first treatment instead. We also got a visit from the oncologists social worker who brought in a monster of a binder full of all the information we need about cancer, how to handle it, how to figure out how to pay for it, and programs that Max can now be a part of because of it. One of which is the Make a Wish Foundation. So, maybe we will get to Disneyland or Disneyworld when he's all cured. Something to help him have something to look forward to when this is all done. She also told us about programs we can try to qualify for to help with the finances where insurance won't cover. The scary information she gave us was what we would have to do if he got even a slight fever and how clean and sanitary we would have to keep everything while he's doing chemo. So, don't feel bad if we can't make it to events or parties or have visitors during cold and flu season. All in all, we had some good highs today, but there will always be some lows too. I think the hardest part for me will be asking for help and having to depend on others for help with things that I just won't be able to do or get to while I put all my focus on getting Max better. I also need to put some of the weight and stress of this burden onto my Savior. That's something I struggle with as well. I'm just used to handling everything myself. I'm just so proud of my little boy being so brave through this so far and doing so well. I love you Max.

I love seeing my little playful boy again.
Max sure missed his brother!
These are the books we were sent home with about everything we need to know about cancer.
He made his nurse give his doggy a check-up.
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