I woke up early yesterday excited because we were told we'd be going home in the morning. I got everything of ours packed up and my bedding folded up and myself ready for the day, all before Max woke up. When he did wake up, he was bouncing on the bed and ready to go home as well. He ate some breakfast and then all he wanted to do was walk the halls. He found a little car to ride around on and had a blast when he found a hall with a slope. The nurses we had up until yesterday morning were absolutely amazing. But the nurse we got stuck with on going home day wanted to sit around and chit chat and laugh with the other nurses and drag her feet to do anything. I had to beg her to get Max is pain meds and even then she dragged her feet and took a half hour to get them to him. Max did get a visit from the music therapist and had a blast playing some rattling instruments while she played the guitar and sang with him. I thought she did a fabulous job with him. The morning passed by and we still hadn't been discharged, and were finally told we'd be done around noon. Then it was early afternoon. Then, when the NP finally came around again to give the orders to have Max's access taken out and get us on our way, our nurse went to lunch. Now, I completely understand that she needed to take her lunch, but she picked poor timing. So, we had to wait another hour and half for her to eat and drag her feet getting the papers put together. Finally, at 4:30, we were walking out of the hospital. I don't normally complain, but I didn't care for this nurse. Max fell asleep on the way home, and when we got in the house, he went to the side of the couch and fell asleep on the floor sitting up. Poor kid. He slept really well last night and didn't have any pain meds again until this morning. He's doing great with that. I did get a call from the oncologist this morning letting us know that they are now NOT 100 percent sure that it's a Wilms tumor because it looks a little different, so they are sending it to a Wilms tumor expert and should get back to us tomorrow or Friday. That means that Max will not be starting chemo now until Tuesday next week. We were really hoping for the Wilms tumor and not a more rare cancer because if it is something more rare, he will have to have a 3rd chemo medicine that will make him a lot more sick and can make him have health problems in the future. We don't want that one! So, I've been a bawl baby today worrying myself sick again about what type of cancer he has. But, whatever kind it is, we will do our best to get him through this.

Signs and pics that were made for Max's room.
The awesome music therapist.
Max was having a blast playing with all the controls on the bed. Who knew it could go up so high!
Sam got to be spoiled by his Papa Shirl who bought him an Iron Man costume.
We were sent home with a doctor kit and hospital buddy for each boy. Sam loved playing doctor.
You never would have known he just had surgery with that big of a smile. I sure love my boys. : )
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