Max's Star Raising party was really special. It was up at the Make-a-Wish building in Murray. We invited all our family and friends that had supported us through Max's cancer journey. Meagan, our wish granter, had a cake and a really nice slide-show of the pictures from our trip. Our guests got to take a tour of the building, as well as the very special wishing room. Sam and Max remembered everything from our first trip there. Then we enjoyed our cake and slide-show, and watched as Max raised his star to the ceiling of the building. It was a really special night for us to remember how far we have come since Max was first diagnosed with cancer in May. We are so grateful for all of the love and support we have received and continue to receive. Max will go in for blood work and scans in December and will continue to do those tests every few months for the next few years, then every six months, and then once a year for the rest of his life. We will continue to pray that those tests will always come back good. Again, I'm so proud of my little hero, Max, who has been such an inspiration to our family. We love you Max!

In the wishing room.
His star says, "Max Brimhall, our super hero"
Raising his star!
I love this little hero so much!
My sweet Grandma Marlene!